Fearing an infinite number of lawsuits challenging the
issuance of High-Speed Rail bonds, the California
High-Speed Rail Authority filed an arcane legal maneuver in
the Sacramento Superior Court, seeking to force anyone
wanting to sue to put up or shut up. The maneuver is called
a Validation Suit. After the Authority has filed its
Opening Brief, it asks all persons that are interested in
challenging the issuance of bonds to come forward to file
an Objection. After the Authority files a reply brief, the
Court will then rule on whether challenges to the issuance
of bonds are forever banned.
An especially fascinating aspect to this validation suit is
that the defendants are identified as “All Persons
Interested in the Matter of the Validity of the
Authorization and Issuance of General Obligation Bonds to
be Issued Pursuant to the Safe, Reliable High-Speed
Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century, and Certain
Proceedings and Matters Related Thereto.”
Interestingly, the Authority asserts that a validation
ruling will not affect the ability of a taxpayers’ suit to
challenge the expenditure of bond funds.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority filed a
Validation Suit, seeking to smoke out all potential
parties that would want to sue to block the issuance of
Proposition 1A HSR rail bonds. The Court issued
an Order for Publication of
commanding all potential litigants to notify the Court
of their interest.
Then the Authority filed its Opening Brief.
Defendants then filed opposition briefs explaining why the
Court should not bar future challenges to bond issuance.
The plaintiffs in the Tos v. California High-Speed Rail
Authority case
filed these papers in opposition:
Opposition Brief
Declaration of Rita
Declaration of Kathy
Declaration of Stuart
Request for Judicial
Other entities filed Opposition briefs:
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers
Union Pacific Railroad
Kings County Water District
& Citizens for
California High-Speed Rail Accountability
Eugene Voiland
(Many highly technical procedural motions were also filed,
but they are not significant, now that their claims have
been resolved.)
The Tos plaintiffs later filed a
joinder, seeking to halt the validation
litigation until the issue of CEQA preemption
is resolved by the Court
of Appeal. The plaintiffs joined the strategically
brilliant Kings County Water District motion that
asserts that if CEQA is ruled to not apply to the HSR
project, that project cannot receive bond funds, and
therefore, no bonds should be issued. At a minimum,
therefore, the validation suit should wait until a
decision comes down in the appeal.
The Authority filed a Reply Brief, attempting to invalidate all the
papers that had been filed in opposition.
A hearing was held on September 27 in Sacramento. On
November 25, 2013 the Court issued its ruling denying the request for validation on
the grounds that the Finance Committee that approved the
issuance of bonds had rubber-stamped the request for
issuance from the Authority. It had not independently
determined that the issuance of bonds was “necessary or
This ruling was appealed by an Extraordinary Writ
petition to the
Supreme Court, and ultimately overturned. The lower
court was directed to issue an order validating the
issuance of bonds.