RTP Submission by TAM

RTP Submission by TAM 10/27/11 Filed in: Transportation Planning | Climate Change TRANSDEF’s Comments to the Transportation Authority of Marin”s Regional Transportation Plan Discussion, 10-27-11 You have the authority to set a very new direction for transportation in this county. But you would never know it by reading the staff report. Judging by the report, this agenda item appears to be just another routine item. The whole point of this agenda item last month had been to ask you what weight to give to each of the RTP candidate priority criteria. But that focus has been buried. It isn’t at…

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Air Resources Board Doesn’t Cave But Doesn’t Lead Either

Air Resources Board Doesn’t Cave But Doesn’t Lead Either 09/23/10 Filed in: Climate Change The Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted today a set of GHG emissions reduction targets for each of California’s regions. The building industry had conducted an intense campaign to get ARB to reduce the proposed targets to less-challenging levels. TRANSDEF’s President, David Schonbrunn, testified about how the proposed targets were inadequate to even keep current levels of GHGs from motor vehicles from growing. Here’s his testimony: I should have marked my speaker card Reluctant Support. TRANSDEF, the Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund, submitted a letter noting…

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Clean Air Plan Adopted

Clean Air Plan Adopted 09/15/10 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) adopted its 2010 Clean Air Plan for the Bay Area. The plan is the first in the nation to offer a  comprehensive approach to reducing all significant air pollutants, instead of treating them separately, as has been standard practice. TRANSDEF applauds the District for its excellent and innovative work. Upon noticing that the Clean Air Plan would result in excessive particulate matter in the air, TRANSDEF’s President David Schonbrunn spoke to the Board of Directors and suggested that a mitigation be adopted to reduce the source of growing particulate pollution: motor vehicles. The Board unanimously…

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RTP Guidelines Revisions Adopted

RTP Guidelines Revisions Adopted 04/29/10 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning The California Transportation Commission adopted revisions to the statewide Regional  Transportation Plan Guidelines in response to all the changes resulting from SB 375. That law requires RTPs to contain a sustainable communities strategy, which attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet a target set by the State Air Resources Board. TRANSDEF participated actively in the revision process and is very pleased with the results.

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Air District Revising CEQA Guidelines

Air District Revising CEQA Guidelines 12/08/09 Filed in: Climate Change The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will consider the adoption of new CEQA Thresholds of Significance at a hearing on January 6, 2010 at 9:45 AM. The documents to be considered for approval can be found on their website. These revisions will result in environmental impact reports that evaluate greenhouse gas emissions. They will also result in obstacles to projects that would add pollution to over-burdened environmental justice communities. TRANSDEF is generally supportive of the leadership the District is offering in this area. Tags: BAAQMD

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Finally, Someone’s Writing about Highway Widening

Finally, Someone’s Writing about Highway Widening 11/24/09 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning MTC continues to make ludicrous claims that their proposed HOT lanes network will result in decreased GHG emissions, despite the new lanes’ encouragement of a significant increase in driving in the Bay Area. Given MTC’s intention to go forward with this massively counterproductive project, it is heartening that the Sightline Institute has produced an important study on the expected long-term increase in GHG emissions that will result from highway widening. Finally, someone in transportation is making sense! See also our Smart Growth Resources page. Tags: Highway Widening, HOV, HOT, Induced Demand

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RTP Guidelines Revision Process

RTP Guidelines Revision Process 11/18/09 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning The California Transportation Commission is conducting a thorough process to revise the statewide Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines, in response to all the changes resulting from SB 375. That law requires RTPs to contain a sustainable communities strategy, which attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet a target set by the State Air Resources Board. Check out the CTC webpage. Tags: RTP, CTC

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Statewide CEQA Guidelines Revisions

Statewide CEQA Guidelines Revisions 11/15/09 Filed in: Climate Change In response to SB 97 and AB 32, the California Resources Agency has been revising the Guidelines under which the California Environmental Quality Act is implemented. These revisions call for the analysis of greenhouse gas emissions as part of standard environmental review under CEQA, including the analysis of the impacts of the emissions and their mitigation. Check out their website. Tags: CEQA

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Jeff Tumlin Leads the Way!

Jeff Tumlin Leads the Way! 07/28/09 Filed in: Climate Change |Transportation Planning Jeff Tumlin of Nelson-Nygaard gave a rousing presentation at the Joint Policy Committee. He made it clear that managing parking is a key strategy for reducing GHG emissions. Check out his report and Powerpoint. Tags: Parking

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Comments Filed on Sonoma Transportation Plan

Comments Filed on Sonoma Transportation Plan 06/22/09 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning TRANSDEF filed comments on the Draft EIR for the Sonoma County Transportation Authority’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Despite the innovative aspects of the Plan, the fact that it projects a 26% increase in Vehicle Miles Travelled indicates that it is still an auto-oriented Business-As-Usual plan. The comment letter provides a comprehensive approach to reducing VMT and GHGs. Tags: Sonoma, CEQA

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