Central Subway–Vigorous Radio Debate

Central Subway–Vigorous Radio Debate 08/20/09 Filed in: Transportation Planning TRANSDEF’s President David Schonbrunn debated the Central Subway Project Manager on KALW Radio’s City Vision’s program. Check out the podcast. David argued that the subway is so deep that the time it will take to access it will eliminate the travel time savings over the current bus. Also, the route is so badly designed that a transfer to BART and Muni lines will require over a 1000 ft. walk. Residents of Bayview/Hunters Point, who now have a convenient transfer to all the Market Street trains, will lose that connection when the…

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Jeff Tumlin Leads the Way!

Jeff Tumlin Leads the Way! 07/28/09 Filed in: Climate Change |Transportation Planning Jeff Tumlin of Nelson-Nygaard gave a rousing presentation at the Joint Policy Committee. He made it clear that managing parking is a key strategy for reducing GHG emissions. Check out his report and Powerpoint. Tags: Parking

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Caltrans Introduces Smart Mobility

Caltrans Introduces Smart Mobility 06/22/09 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning Caltrans offered a workshop last week in Sacramento on their new Smart Mobility Framework.  This is a program that Caltrans has developed in association with EPA.  It takes Smart Growth principles and integrates them into transportation in a manner that environmental activists will find both familiar and heartening.   There is a draft document available on the website below that is open for comment through June 30.  This document is good enough to serve as the rallying point for future activism.  It discusses induced demand and reducing vehicle miles–we never thought we would see that coming from Caltrans.  Check it out on Caltrans…

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Comments Filed on Sonoma Transportation Plan

Comments Filed on Sonoma Transportation Plan 06/22/09 Filed in: Climate Change | Transportation Planning TRANSDEF filed comments on the Draft EIR for the Sonoma County Transportation Authority’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Despite the innovative aspects of the Plan, the fact that it projects a 26% increase in Vehicle Miles Travelled indicates that it is still an auto-oriented Business-As-Usual plan. The comment letter provides a comprehensive approach to reducing VMT and GHGs. Tags: Sonoma, CEQA

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The BART Oakland Airport Connector

The BART Oakland Airport Connector 06/22/09 Filed in: MTC | Transportation Planning TRANSDEF’s statement to the BART Board of Directors on Thursday May 12: I’m David Schonbrunn, President of TRANSDEF, a Bay Area environmental non-profit focused on regional transportation, and BART extensions in particular. This is a historic decision that will tell the world what your Board is really all about. The start is not promising, in that one of your employees is organizing a campaign for this project while on the job, using a BART.gov email address. We believe this is certainly unethical and likely to be illegal. Today’s…

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MTC adopts irresponsible regional plan

MTC adopts irresponsible regional plan 05/02/09 Filed in: MTC | Transportation Planning Now that MTC has adopted its 2009 Regional Transportation Plan, check out the latest comments TRANSDEF filed, and the critique of the Plan. Tags: RTP

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The Regional Transportation Plan is nearing adoption

The Regional Transportation Plan is nearing adoption 03/04/09 Filed in: MTC | Transportation Planning | Climate Change On March 13th, MTC will have a meeting of its Planning Committee to go over final details of its draft Regional Transportation Plan, for approval on March 25th. See TRANSDEF’s comment letter. This plan is a joke as far as climate change is concerned. If you are going to attend these meetings, ask MTC to commit to reducing greenhouse gases at least as much as the land use and pricing alternatives studied in the Environmental Impact Report. Tags: RTP

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TRANSDEF on the radio

TRANSDEF on the radio 03/04/09 Filed in: Transportation Planning | Climate Change TRANSDEF’s President David Schonbrunn appeared on Stanford University Radio’s Raising Sand Radio program. The one-hour show provides a good overview for Bay Area and California transportation issues, from an activist’s point of view. Tags: Press

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Warm Springs BART litigation

Warm Springs BART litigation 03/04/09 Filed in: MTC | Transportation Planning TRANSDEF recently filed a taxpayers’ lawsuit to prevent Bay Area transportation agencies from illegally sending BART over $315 million for construction of its Warm Springs extension. Check it out. Tags: BART

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