The Empire Strkes
07/12/12 Filed in: High-Speed
The LA Times’ story on
the French National Railways, SNCF, presentation has
stirred up a hornet’s nest of reaction. CHSRA
apologist Robert Cruickshank’s site
CAHSR blog carried a scathing condemnation
of the LA Times story, along with the exclusive
release of CHSRA Board Chair Richard’s letter to the LA Times
In response to the stunning levels of vitriol and bad
faith, TRANSDEF posted these comments:
After first responding to the SNCF story with a
deer-in-the-headlights “No comment,” CHSRA is now
in full damage control mode. The sheer number of
slurs and easily disprovable allegations in
Richard’s letter indicates panic over this story.
As second fiddle in CHSRA’s attack machine, Robert
resorts to making stuff up, too.The vehemence of the combined response says we’ve
struck a nerve. That’s a tacit admission that SNCF
made a proposal that somehow threatened the status
quo.Consider this one point: If the proposal was even a
quarter as bad as alleged here, why would the
Authority have clamped such a tight lid of secrecy
on it? It just doesn’t wash…Readers of this blog are invited to check out the
other side of the story on our website: (Robert could even add it to his blog
roll!)BTW, note that ‘the significant controversy over
SNCF’s role in the Holocaust’ arose only after SNCF
made its proposal, potentially disrupting the
CHSRA’s happy family of consultants. Did Bob
Blumenfeld suddenly wake up one day, outraged by
the injustice? Or was this a commercial
counterattack, disguised as the voice of