Local figures in the Bay Area transportation scene expressed their pleasure at the promotion of Andrew Fremier to MTC’s Executive Director, following the retirement of Therese McMillan. TRANSDEF got its comments into the story:
David Schonbrunn, president of the Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund in San Anselmo, has been critical of the commission’s planning efforts through the years, which he said have resulted in the existing congestion and transit issues. He said he does not expect much to change under Fremier’s leadership.
“After spending many billions of dollars on transportation projects over the past four decades, all MTC has to show is more auto traffic,” Schonbrunn wrote in an email. “MTC is a profoundly dysfunctional agency, badly in need of world-class leadership. The Commission’s decision to hire in-house says: ‘We’re doing just fine.’ More of the same is denial.”