A coalition of taxpayer groups and environmentalists had its first meeting today. Besides wanting to defeat Regional Measure 3, which will be on the June ballot, the group wants to educate the public about the unaccountability of the Bay Area’s regional government, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, or MTC. The group agreed that an elected Commission would enable the public to impose consequences on the actions of Commissioners, by voting them out of office.
ARB, Autonomous vehicles, BAAQMD, BART, Caltrain, Caltrans, Cap & Trade, Capitol Corridor, Carbon Tax, Central Subway, CEQA, Climate Science, Congestion, Contra Costa, CTC, Dumbarton, Europe, Federal, Guy Span, Highway Widening, HOT, Housing, HOV, HSR Litigation, Induced Demand, Legislature, Marin, Muni, NTD Data, NWP, Oakland, Parking, Preemption, Press, RM3, RTP, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Seattle, Smart Growth, SNCF-French Railways, Sonoma, STA, STB, Taxes, TRAC, Valley Link, VTA,