A letter to the Vallejo Times-Herald announced that “The United Democrats of Southern Solano County voted to oppose Regional Measure 3.” This suggests a significant class division between elected and rank-and-file Democrats.
ARB, Autonomous vehicles, BAAQMD, BART, Caltrain, Caltrans, Cap & Trade, Capitol Corridor, Carbon Tax, Central Subway, CEQA, Climate Science, Congestion, Contra Costa, CTC, Dumbarton, Europe, Federal, Guy Span, Highway Widening, HOT, Housing, HOV, HSR Litigation, Induced Demand, Legislature, Marin, Muni, NTD Data, NWP, Oakland, Parking, Preemption, Press, RM3, RTP, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Seattle, Smart Growth, SNCF-French Railways, Sonoma, STA, STB, Taxes, TRAC, Valley Link, VTA,