Just look at the list of funders of the campaign for Regional Measure 3, the proposed $3.00 bridge toll increase. High-tech is all over asking the public to pay to fix the congestion caused by their adding large numbers of employees to an already crowded region.
ARB, Autonomous vehicles, BAAQMD, BART, Caltrain, Caltrans, Cap & Trade, Capitol Corridor, Carbon Tax, Central Subway, CEQA, Climate Science, Congestion, Contra Costa, CTC, Dumbarton, Europe, Federal, Guy Span, Highway Widening, HOT, Housing, HOV, HSR Litigation, Induced Demand, Legislature, Marin, Muni, NTD Data, NWP, Oakland, Parking, Preemption, Press, RM3, RTP, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Seattle, Smart Growth, SNCF-French Railways, Sonoma, STA, STB, Taxes, TRAC, Valley Link, VTA,