TRANSDEF filed extensive comments on San Mateo’s Highway 101 Managed Lanes Project. The County and Caltrans have continued to rely on automobile infrastructure for basic mobility in the county. FAIL!
ARB, Autonomous vehicles, BAAQMD, BART, Caltrain, Caltrans, Cap & Trade, Capitol Corridor, Carbon Tax, Central Subway, CEQA, Climate Science, Congestion, Contra Costa, CTC, Dumbarton, Europe, Federal, Guy Span, Highway Widening, HOT, Housing, HOV, HSR Litigation, Induced Demand, Legislature, Marin, Muni, NTD Data, NWP, Oakland, Parking, Preemption, Press, RM3, RTP, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Seattle, Smart Growth, SNCF-French Railways, Sonoma, STA, STB, Taxes, TRAC, Valley Link, VTA,