San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa published an opinion piece Toll lanes good for the rich, bad for the environment today. What’s especially significant about the piece is that he is saying that MTC’s priorities are heading in the wrong direction:
If we are really serious about combating climate change, encouraging solo drivers to use toll lanes during peak commute hours is not the answer. … Toll lanes will not reduce traffic in the long term and will not reduce GHG emissions.
The second largest expenditure allocation in Regional Measure 3 is $300 million dollars for “Bay Area Corridor Express Lanes,” the high-occupancy toll lanes. That offers a good reason to vote against the measure.
Aan interesting backstory to Supervisor Canepa’s piece: TRANSDEF sent him and other San Mateo electeds its SM 101 Managed Lanes DEIR Comment set on the proposed San Mateo 101 Managed lane project. The Supervisor was the only recipient interested enough to have his staff contact us.